Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Hi readers!  Some stuff has been happening at my house. We have a 3rd pug boy called General Yen. He's so fat he makes Mr. Wong look slim. He makes me look miniscule. He's a mystery guy. We don't know who he ran away from or why but we like him. He's on a diet.
Even though I used to be designated barker at pug meetups at PetSmart, I quit barking a long time ago. Nothing bugs me so I don't bark anymore. Mr. Wong barks once in a while when food is too long in getting to the bowl. General Yen finally barked once after we had him for a few weeks! The big lady dog next door, who hates Mom for some reason but loves Mr. Wong and me, saw General Yen and started in to barking. The General rushed right up to her and barked right back! Don't worry, there's a fence between us. He's got a pipsqueaky bark, which was a surprise, so maybe that's why he keeps quiet except for important occasions.
Oh I almost forgot, my mom went to Pittsburgh overnight to see Jack White a few weeks ago. I met Jack White a long time ago, you know. The show ended abruptly because of a thunderstorm so she didn't get to tell him hi from me.
See ya before my 17th birthday, I hope!